Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome sorority sisters!

Please stay for a visit and have a cup of tea! It is so nice to have a friend visit, please drop a note in the comment box and say hello!


Janet Ghio said...

I love the way you put the photo on the tea pot!

Jane said...

Very clever idea. I think your teapot is adorable and I like how you've incorporated sitting with friends for a cup of tea and the sisterhood of the sorority together.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sister Cathee! Oh, this is a cute way to use our sorority photo!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Sorority sis from Texas

JoAnne said...

Well if that isn't the sweetest! Great rush project sister.

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

I LOVE it..LOVE it !!! We have four purrbabies ... only two of them like to help me, but they give more than enough help :))

Andi's English Attic said...

I'm amazed at how much prettyness I'm seeing today on the Sorority Sisters tour. That's such a pretty teapot. Love it. xx

~*~Patty S said...

Your teapot looks absolutely magical and so lovely too!
Happy Weekend to you!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Great job on your Rush project!! I'm so glad to meet another Sister!! I can't wait to see what's next with our sorority ~ I look forward to getting to know you.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love will understand why when you visit sometime. Nice to meet you sorority sister.

Unknown said...

Oh let's have tea! :) How cute is that!?

So nice to meet you! :)

Good Job Sister!


Karen said...

I love this! What a great idea! That is so flippin' cute! Of course, so is the shot of you workin' hard at the gym! Love that!
Glad you joined! Something tells me you and I could get into some trouble together!
:) Enjoy! Karen

marcia said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the teapot!!

Amy A said...

Love the teapot idea! And the pearl strand looks like the steam ;) Nice to meet you, I'm going to have a look around your blog now :)

Sherrie said...

Hello Kathee,
So nice to meet you! What a wonderful teapot This is so sweet!
You have a beautiful blog, and I will be back again soon :0)

Cindy Adkins said...

OMG I love your teapot!!!! That is precious!! And your blog is gorgeous!!! Thanks SO much for stopping by...sending hugs your way...and I will be back...

Keetha Broyles said...

This makes me think of the little kiddie's song "I'm a Little Tea Pot short and stout!"

Rebecca said...

Hello there Sista. You did a great job on your R*U*S*H project!! Such a cute idea! I am so excited about our sorority and all the F*U*N we will have!

Blessings from your Back Porch Sista,
{Our Back Porch in Tennessee}

Mosaic Magpie said...

Very original I haven't seen any other teapots! The shot of you at the gym too cute.

Unknown said...

This is pretty love the photo will have to read more to see what's going on here

Love Dawn xx said...

What a darling tea pot!

Roberta said...

So happy to meet my Soul Sister ;) Love your photo and comment about "hanging out at the gym" because that is about as close to a workout as I ever want to do as Your teapot creation is so beautiful and creative. Looking forward to lots of fun in the "house" with all my creative sisters! I've added you to my google reader so I can keep up with all your posts. Have a wonderful week! Fondly, Roberta

sannasartmind said...

Excellent teapot really love the final touch of the apricot vellum birdie too! You look more like you work out at the gym then I do that's for sure. You must be younger then me! Very cute face! Sanna

Lululiz said...

Oh, this has got to be right up there with my most favourite Sorority creations. A teapot, a Bloggerette Sorority teapot, I love it!

Lynette Killam said...

I adore your little teapot...such a clever idea! And I had a good laugh at your gym picture..that's my idea of working out , too!

Lovely to have you as a sister...


porter place cottage said...

Your teapot is so sweet! Love what you created with the picture! It's wonderful to meet you, sista!

Lynn Stevens said...

How DARLING!!! and so creative, Great to meet you sister, I'm a bit late getting over here but so glad I did you have a new fan!!!

Wendy Aspinall said...

Dear sister, it is beautiful and you know I love the teapot!

Nelly said...

Hi - This is just gorgeous!

Sherry said...

Your project is very creative and oh so pretty. So nice to meet you and I think you take a great picture.

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