Saturday, June 19, 2010

Good morning ,here are some morning pictures of my wonderful creative sanctuary!

My mornings start with a good cup of coffee .....then settling in my favorite cozy spot looking out at nature...Enjoy my morning with me..
then off to the studio where Sprout is usually waiting on mom to start crafting..
Sprout is always coming up with great ideas she picks out the fibers while I organize the project..she is SO helpful! :) Lots of ideas and embellishments are in every little container you can see...
Inspiration comes from swaps from Friends and beautiful embroidery work my mom did. My mom passed away very early in her life(70) from complications due to Alzheimer's disease...that is one of the reasons I am a program director of a respite care center for Alzhiemer's patients and their families.

Words are such important things to me ..I gather old books and cut out interesting sentences to put in my art work. Gathering is half the fun of our craft!
WEll Sprout is waiting so I am going to go create today and will post more this evening..have a great day visiting the wonderful sites at
See you later in the day!
Oh and leave a comment with a link to you and you may win what we create today!!!!...hmmmmmmmm looks like a crown of some sort:) Oh and please scroll down to see the rest of the studio pictures....


Karen Valentine said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful day! Your property is lovely.How lucky you are to look out into that while creating! I'm so glad you could join out little party today! Have fun in the studio!

My Desert Cottage

My Grama's Soul said...

I am sooooooo glad you shared your lovely space with us. I scrolled down to see your space at took my breath away it is so beautiful. Ohhhhhh that birdcage with the lights!!!!



Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm glad I came back after reading your post. I was lucky enough to see the rest of your studio and your lovely helper. This is a gorgeous spot, too.

To answer your question, yes, I swap with an online yahoo group. The link is on my sidebar. We are called ABC for Altered Book Club, but we swap all sorts of wonderful altered art. Thanks for asking.

Becca said...

I love all the windows and what a lovely garden you look out to! I have 2 furry friends for company too! Love looking at all of your art! Have a great weekend!

Wendy Aspinall said...

Thanks for sharing your space and your furry friends. It was nice to met you all and I loved it your studio. Hugs ~wendy at Blissangels

craftyles said...

Really pretty space. Sprout is so cute. Thanks for the tour!

Tricia said...

What a lovely space you have - everything is so pretty and calming. Your kitties are so cute. I have enjoyed my visit today. Thanks for sharing your space.


Claudia said...

What a wonderful view you have to your outside area! Love your space and love Sprout! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Oh my..such lovely eye candy..we must have all that can be had to make our beautiful stuff! I admire you for putting your energy towards the "memory matters". It's so devastating to even think of losing myself altogether. Menopause has altered my memory enough! Keep up the good work..I know you are treasured for doing this.

It's such a pleasure to be back for the party again this year and visiting all of the wonderful creative souls and their creative space. Thank you for sharing yours with me. It's such a lovely space.

Thank you for visiting with me and strolling through my's been a labor of love to put together and now after a year in our home I feel like I can "spread my wings" and fly!

Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥

Sherry said...

Sprout seems to be the perfect company for creating. Your pictures of your space and your creations are lovely. Happy creating.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I love it. I really enjoyed your creative space. And your cat is adorable!
Janet's Creative Pillows

Terri said...

Love the cat and your wonderful creative space..really nice art work too!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Cathee:
What a restful and beautiful place you have. I love all the windows and how organized you are. I can see that wonderful things come out of your studio! Kes says "Hi" to Sprout, too!
Thanks for visiting Brynwood. I hope you'll stop in again soon.

Sheila Rumney said...

Love that Sprout helps you create!

Thanks for popping by and saying hi...

Many Blessings,


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What wonderful tresures you have in your studio! Such a bright and light space to create in, too. I'm hoping to see a bit more of your blog before visiting the next creative soul.

Her Art Nest said...

Your workspace is awesome, especially all that light and the garden view! Just amazing. I am so happy that you shared your art with me and your sweet kitty. I love it! Take care, Nan

Sandy said...

Beautiful heart, beautiful creations from your hands, beautiful creative land! Thank you for sharing your creative haven.

Janet said...

Wonderful space where you and Sprout create. There seems to be inspiration everywhere.

Decor To Adore said...

What an amazing space you have created! It inspires me to add to my own crafting area.

I adore all of your storage solutions.

Julie Ranae said...

A wonderfully inspiring creative space...thank you for sharing it with us : ) Hope you will stop by Julie's Open Window and take a peek inside...make sure you bring Gracie and Sprout to meet my Lucy. your newest follower as well : )

Jillayne said...

Your blog is beautiful as is your room. I learned to quilt from my Mother-In-Law who also passed away from complications of Alzheimer's. Don't cats make the best workshop buddies? I like your blog and have bookmarked it - I'll definitely be back!

Jane said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful space. Your outside space is just gorgeous too. I don't know how much creating I would get done with that view!!
I've gone back a view posts and really enjoyed seeing what you create in your studio. You do beautiful work!

Debby said...

Your studio looks like a beautiful space to create in. Your arches are lovely. I adore Sprout, so sweet. Thanks for sharing with us.

marcia said...

Love how you call it your sanctuary...a creative space should be just that.

Great space and great light. I love your dividers for all your embellishments. I really need to do that.
I love your treasures and your feline too.

happy day!

Michele Seraphim said...

This was a great visit to your space. I lost my grandmother to complications of Alzheimers and will be heading over to Memory Matters as soon as I am done here thanking you for sharing. I love that your cat is a part of your room and helps you in your art. I love your view and that you use sentences from books. I love writing and script and often jot things into a book to keep for later browsing. A wonderful space.

Kateyed said...

What a neat place to create. It seems so spacious and your view is beautiful. I love the crown but I guess that is gone. i think it will take me a month to get through this list!

If you wish, come and visit the blog of my daughter and me. We are only three months old (blogging) but have been making jewelry for fifteen years.Our blog is about much more than our jewelry...I, too, love words and have a growing collection of old books.I also love paper arts of various sorts and Kat loves vintage fashion. We have fun together. I also lost my mom early, but do to a heart infection. It isn't easy.


fiberdoodles said...

What a lovely space. What a great place. Thank you for sharing it with us!!

Melly said...

Hi Cathee, what a gorgeous way to start the day looking out into your beautiful garden and having your fur baby waiting for you to create something beautiful. Thank you for sharing your lovely creative space, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Hi Cathee,

Love your Creative Space, I Love the photos with Sprout.... My Kitty Elliot was somewhere hiding when My camera was clicking..... I am a Caregiver for a Sweet Lady with Alzheimer's My Mom also Passed from this horrible Disease, I like doing what a can to help.....
I Finally was able to upload photos of My Studio (New Cord Arrived) stop by when you get a chance~

Creative Grammie said...

You have a great place, thank you for sharing. Great view of nature while you're doing your art.

Syd said...

Thanks for sharing your space.

Mosaic Magpie said...

You have a lovely creative sanctuary! And those furry helpers too! Love all the windows. Great space.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Wow, your backyard is as soothing as your studio is inspiring...great spaces, both of them! Sorry I'm late in stopping by but I had an art retreat.

Anonymous said...

Is Sprout a Maine Coon cat? She sure has the characteristics. I have 3 Maine Coons and they are just too precious. Marcy

Tins and Treasures said...

How wonderful...a secluded place for your studio. And it looks so comfy, cozy. Your lovely kitty is such a gracious hostess.

Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a thoughtful Thursday. ~Natalie

Scrapping With Sherry said...

What a lucky lady you are having such a wonderful helper. I miss my helper very much. But instead of picking through things, she enjoyed chewing on them to give them that distressed, textured look. And I do agree that collecting is half the fun! Have a great day. ~Sherry w/Scrapping With Sherry

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