Saturday, March 1, 2025
Journal Page for Winter- Dream house
Friday face off- what a sweet face it is
Sunday, December 29, 2024
ATC swaps fabric and vintage
Friday, November 15, 2024
Backyard view
My afternoon view never disappoints. The activity at the birdbath is an epic event daily. Who is going to dominate the bath time. Some grooming - some such sitting - while in the bushes each waits their turn. Of course there is a definite hierarchy! Enjoy the visions of nature 👇 below.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Weathered the Storm
I have had a long time between posts! Been weathering different storms - mostly just change related - however last night was a real storm- spent the night watching radar for tornados from Hurricane Helene What a scary night- thankful we were not in the danger zone - mostly wind and tree debris.
The changes I am weathering in my life is entering retirement! I turn the big 65 soon and made my decision in February to retire from my 18 years serving those in the dementia care community at Memory Matters. I have grown, learned, and gone through many changes these last 18 years. I have come to the conclusion that change is just like any season - it has to come - time demands it- it will require new things - both physical and emotional -and God is in control. Just like seasons! This will be a very new one for me - so will be documenting as I enter the end of one season and on ot the next.
I said to my Best Friend Lee at the begining of my decision -" I don"t know who I will be" - "my identity has been tied to this title for so long. My knowledge of dementia care goes so deep -how do I move to the next stage? "She said you are you - that won't change.Love her calm insight! I get it now - I will still be the same Cathee -searching and learning, encouraging those around me and friendships are always there if you work at them!
SO basically I AM STILL ME! hopeful I will fill these pages with my new adventure as ME! and see what comes next.
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024
Heading in to spring
It has been a very mild winter here on the island, and I have taken advantage of the cool weather in the mornings to head out for my walk. I have also started on my class wanderlust. Below my photo are two pages from the lesson. There are many more to come, I relish the time I can sit and learn from the amazing teachers that Kasia provides. More to come!!!!!
Journal Page for Winter- Dream house
This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow. This in honor of the snow day we h...
all about the C-CATHEE motto for 2011 lights Frida my muse pillow! little girl that i was and moms pear...
Please stay for a visit and have a cup of tea! It is so nice to have a friend visit, please drop a note in the comment box and say hello!
My mornings start with a good cup of coffee .....then settling in my favorite cozy spot looking out at nature...Enjoy my morning with me.. t...