Thursday, June 14, 2007

Another fine evening here on the Island, the rain has come and gone and left cool breezes in the air, even the girls can enjoy the sea air at the screen door. Tonight is the night I shall attempt to create, perhaps using the cool colors of summer...we shall see what happens! Later......


Artmom said...

Love your kitties, and your pear and your dominos!! I'll have to check and see if you've posted to the arttechniques photos too, because those are not enough pictures!!! I'm sorry about your dad - still alive, yes? My brother's wife's dad had alzhiemers, it was hard on their family, but lucky for her, he still recognized her, even into his mid seventies. I'll keep watching your blog, Cathee, I like how you write, and I LOVE cats, so you are my kind of girl - I bought alcohol inks, and haven't tried them yet - thanks for the tip about using a little brush, I bought the big dabber thing, so I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with it, now I have another option and I REALLy loke the look you got. Try putting your pictures IN with the type, that way maybe when we click on them they'll get bigger, it works like that on mine.
Welcome to blogdom! It's great, I love it! Deb

Artmom said...

Cathee, I reread your post about the Alz. group, and now I'm not sure I read it right - sorry, does a member of your family have this disease?

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...