Monday, June 25, 2007

I was tagged to by Charleen.."" to reveal 7 things about myself..hmm!.
1.I married my highschool sweetheart (Tony) and still am in love as ever!
2.I am the only girl in the family, I have four brothers.
3.I love reality shows!! I confess!
4. I have been through 4 hurricanes yuck.
5.I do not like mean people! Who does?
6.I admire anyone who is taking care of a family member..been there and it is tough.
7. the most important fact about me is I honestly do "Love God with all of my heart, mind, and soul" and am in awe that He unconditionally loves me!


e.beck.artist said...

hi...i just found your blog....and DIG that pear book....fruit with purpose made me giggle.......well done!

Cat Stegall said...

Thanks E! Fruit need a purpose!!!

allison strine said...

Hey, Cathee! Thanks for stopping by - I'm so glad to have found you! The pear book is so delicious and nutritious - love it!

UpsideDownSarah said...

I am with you on the loving God thing.....He is the love of my life! Of course I also love my husband, who is a wonderful man.

Cat Stegall said...

I agree sarah!! God is the best!!!My hubby too..... Cath

Sheri said...

im with you all as well... we wouldnt get very far in life without God!
cathee also wanted to say thanx for the compliment... i love visiting your blog.. everytime you put a message in at arttechniques i come and check it out.

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