Monday, June 18, 2007

Tonight I actually created my little wood nymph..or as I like to call her monday's muse. She was in my head as I sat out in my backyard admiring the beauty God had given me this evening and she had to be created. Alas three hours later that is all I have gotten done tonight. But how creative is doing the laundry after all~! Praise God for the muse He sends! She is created on a 4 x2.5 hard board


Anne, Bulles dorées said...

wow !! j'adore cette création... les couleurs et l'esprit qu'elle dégage... Merci de partager, c'est superbe !

photoholly said...

Oui! C'est tres formidable! I love her bright colours and long, flowing hair.

Patty M said...

Love your blog and all the beautiful Art you share. Along with the photos of your family. ;o)

Debby said...

She is soooo BEAUTIFUL!!!

Sheri said...

i just said somthing about the laundry yesterday... do we really need clean clothes? i love the nymph.

Sheri said... not doin laundry either gotta get somthing ready to teach the kiddies... cant wait to see your art techiniques book!

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

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