Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cat Collage gracie girl all dressed and ready to go!

This is a watercolor I did of my was auctioned off for charity at the annual art show and silent auction for Alzheiemer's Respite and Resource , the non-profit that I work for. I added an Antique jewelry brooch ,feather,letter tiles and wonderful hand made paper . It was hard to sell!I wanted it for myself!!!


Unknown said...

What an amazing watercolor - your Gracie looks like she is about to creep out of the painting - so life like!

Jacky said...

Cathee this is gorgeous !!! I wish I had been at the auction. No wonder you had trouble parting with it. Gracie is such a wonderful model!!!

Susie said...

What a wonderful artist you were. And so mysterious and elegant is your Gracie. Thanks for sharing!

Sandy said...


I love your watercolour of Gracie. I am totally a cat person - I have 2, one of which is an old girl who is almost 20 and won't be with us much longer. If I could, I would have a dozen! You don't own cats, they own you! Thanks for sharing your art.

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

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