Friday, January 30, 2009

Home with a cold

I am home with a head cold, snuggled on my blanket with a pile of cats and my computer. I hate head colds. However the day has been very peaceful. Have been on a blog vacation. So, in my travels I found a treasure today, a wonderful blog full of nostalgia. Go and take a peek for yourself.
Such wonderful treasures, and she has an online store ..where is my purse?(It does not pay to be home with a cold!)

1 comment:

Niki Fretwell said...

Hi Cathee...hope you feel much better very soon.
PC and cats sounds like a good remedy to me!
Thanks for the mention - very kind of you.

Take care,

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...