Monday, February 23, 2009

creations from the weekend

First....a little envelope book filled with treasures for Rena...on it's way in the mail in the morning,

Art for the wall of my original art print's shrunk and made into glass slide art on its way to a swap partner on cc swaps,
and finally an altered jar for Kim, way up in cold will be filled with treasures for her and sent happily to warm her day.....
a little snippet of the top of the jar..a nest for a creative soul to rest.


Rena Sawatski said...

Can't wait to get my hands on the envelope book as it looks wonderful.

I bet your friend Kim will be thrilled with the jar. If it is as cold there as it is here, it will definitely warm her up!!

WendyK said...

These are all fabulous, wish I had taken part in those swaps now

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