Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weekend at Ebenezer Retreat!

We all pile on the cart to get blessed even when we are broken! (Hopefully we won't break before we get there! ) The awesome Joanne G led us through many wonderful bible passages and we put our foot on the Rock that is higher than "US"! Go Lord God- Jehovah..keep us steady! We even had a late night visit from the infamous "Vern"(see pic below)-sister of Peg Y,so she says, fresh (and I mean fresh) from the Trailway bus station! HAH! The night owl cabin was hootin up a storm that night!!

Early the next morn all was calm....
Peace Reigns...

The path to blessing was secure, even when brokeness is there. My prayer..."Lead Me to the Rock that is higher than I. There is no stumbling stone that will get in my way, I will only pile them up as an altar of remembrance to Him!"Thanks Joanne and to the awesome woman of the Heart to Heart ministry of Grace Community Church, Hilton Head SC.

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ATC swaps fabric and vintage

Love using vintage fabrics, photos and so many trimmings from my ever-growing stash.  Hopeful to join more swaps in 2025! photos fabric and ...