Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thanks for visiting today!

To all who have posted a comment by midnight tonight: I will draw a name and send you this little blog candy....THANKS!


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Oh, oh, oh...this Queen needs those crowns! :0) So totally me! ♥

Now on to look at your studio!

Stephanie ♥

Sherry said...

I love the crowns and I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit with you.

Shell said...

Gorgeous Creations! I love them!

Thanks for stopping by my blog during the "Where Bloggers Create event!

I'm an animal lover,,,,two tuxedo kitties and my other fur babies a Black Lab-Shadow and Golden Retriever Kodi,,aka Kodiak...

I haven't checked out your sidebar yet, but if you have a followers listing,,,,I'll be following and BACK!

Again, thanks for stopping by my little blog and your sweet comments!!

(I'm a hugger,,,,you should know that about me! LOL)

Shell said...

Shell here again.....

You don't have a "Followers" spot on your sidebar,,,,so I guess I will have a hard time seeing what you are up to!

But,,, you have my Blogger Friend Vicki of "Two Bags Full" listed in the blogs you follow!

I love her to pieces. She is the best! What a heart and creative to boot!

Well, If I can't follow YOU, I hope you follow ME so I can keep tabs on your blog!!


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Cathee, your space is amazing and such lovely treasure to work with. I can easily see hours of fun creating for you.
Everything is very inspiring and your work is awesome, what a talent you are.

Thank you for stopping by and your kind comments. I also want to thank you for the work you do helping families and patients coop with such a devestating illness. You are blessed.

Have a wonderful evening.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Shell said...

Okay my dear,,,,I am Finally going to go and eat a very LATE dinner,,,but as you can see,,,I'm following YOU now! And looking forward to seeing what you are up to!

And,,,as the previous blogger posted, I admire SO what you do! My "Oma" Grandmother was never diagnosed with Alzheimers,,,maybe dementia...but she Almost reached 100,,,and was strong as a horse, she just started getting accusatory and forgetful. I WISH back in the 80's there would have been more compassionate and helpful people!

K....goodnight,,,,,and take care!
More hugs,,,LOL

Chris said...

Super great crown creations!! Love them!
Best wishes,

Wendy Aspinall said...

Thank you I would love a crown, what a beautiful project. even if I don't win i enjoyed looking around your blog... pop over and see me i have a give a way too. thanks ~Wendy aT Blissangels

Brynwood Needleworks said...

What a sweet little crown! I'm sure I'm past the deadline, but I wanted to tell you how sweet it is.

Debby said...

This is really beautiful!!! Congrats to Elizabeth.

Unknown said...

Very pretty my good friend Blue Beard won this so I had to come and see. Something ewll worth winnng

Love Dawn xx

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