Sunday, June 27, 2010

Little Sunday creations!

Birdie nature tags with a touch of blue...sprayed them with a Klear-kote shiny things today!

Card going out to a lovely swap friend...bye bye birdie!! PS.I love my new bird punch from my
stampin up local gal!Punched out a gazilion and now have them all sitting on my desk to be used when the whim hits alot!


JoAnne said...

The tags and card are gorgeous!!!!
Check out my blog-you're a winner.

Mosaic Magpie said...

I love that little bird I will have to get me one of those punches. Thanks for sharing.

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Beautiful card and I just adore the tags :-)
Anne x

carol said...

Very nice tags - the recipient is a very lucky person.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Thanks for the craft order!

Vicki and Don said...

ISn't that the cutest bird punch!?! Love it! Love your tags and card too! I hope I'm your swap partner some time! :-)

Lynn Stevens said...

Love your Art! Where have you been hiding?

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