Sunday, September 5, 2010


Have been recuperating form a horrific fall down a flight of concrete steps . Was holding my sweet 2 yr old nephew Jet and lost my balance. Held him tight to me and just took the fall..right on my forehead..wrenched my neck and back and now have two "purty as purple can be" ... BLACK eyes!! what a sight.
The blessed part is that Jet was fine ..not a scratch on him!..I am healing very wel l(lots of love and prayers! ) and hope to post some new work as soon as I can get back to my art table. Until then ... be safe!!


Roberta said...

Oh my...take care of yourself and hope you are feeling better real soon. So glad it didn't end up really serious. Drink lots of fluids and let your body heal. Have a great week, fondly, Roberta

TwoHeartsPath said...

Oh, no, thank goodness you are mending and your nephew is ok. That had to be super scary. I hope you will have a fast recovery and are back at your art table in no time. Take Care.

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

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