Monday, July 11, 2011

1000 gifts of love given down from above #1-10..

.....Today was an ordinary monday,but different`I have begun a challenge to see the divine in the dailys.... the ins and outs,overs and unders,louds and softs of life as I now live it out. This is the where I shall begin,a journey of one thousand moments ~
1.the pond still and calm
2.HIS word fresh and new ..yet firm and old,time worn and proven. loved coffee cup PERFECTION. 
3. worn watercolors~ shades blending
4.kind words given,a new friend & sister in Christ
5.behaving hair
6.sweet love sharing his heart
7.TREASURED salad dressing -green goddess- yum!
8.medicine that heals ,time that brings change
9.smells of warmth ,old books and paper.
10.granmas quilt taking the slight chill away.


Rebecca Nelson said...

Came by to see your WWC Party Post! I'll be back. LOVE YOUR BLOGGIE!


Thistle Cove Farm said...

AMEN, Sister! We are in total agreement.

Karen Valentine said...

Sorry you didn't get your party post up in time... we missed you!!
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I am so glad to have you in the VPI group. Your blog is amazing as is your workspace! I am now a follower. I hope to get to swap cards with you soon!

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