Sunday, October 23, 2011

in honor of the late e a poe


Artfully Musing said...

Fabulous work!

Martina said...

Oh my God, Cathee! This Poe tin is a fantastic work of art! I'm thrilled! May I be happy already?

Red Rose Alley said...

That is so cool. Nel was a Raven for Halloween a couple of years ago, and had the best time. Happy Halloween!
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Terri Daugherty said...

Oh my Cathee, this is fabulous! Awesome work!!!!!

Jann said...

Ooh, this is just fantastic!

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...