Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Guest blogger!

I have had one of the most interesting two months lately. First I was published in a local magazine then I got an invitation from the gracious Mary at http://www.hopefilledlivingmagazine.com/  to be a guest blogger. I feel like my 15 minutes of fame has finally come! We casually blog our lives and art on the web never suspecting there is an audience out there that wants to see what we are all about. AMAZING! So tomorrow I will be a guest blogger "how bout them apples" as my daddy would say! So if you are curious to know more about "Cathee", a girl who spells her name funny, tune in tomorrow at Marys blog http://www.hopefilledlivingmagazine.com  ,see you there!

1 comment:

Lynn Stevens said...

Well congrats on being a guest blogger! I'm sure you will have lots of lookers!Love your Poe tin, soooooo cool!

Thank you for entering my giveaway. Best of luck
hugs Lynn

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...