Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Vignettes

Sprout is ready for santa!

smells of Christmas are all through the house!

Grace is chillin out while Mom sips her chai tea.

The view of the big tree and yes the doors are open today! No snow but beauty abounds!

It really is a magnificent tree that Hubby chose this year,I can not stop taking photos of it.

Just a reflection of our house Christmas Eve and the thoughts in my heart...
The peace that passes understanding is very evident today. I am so blessed to live the life Christ was born to give. The best gift I have ever received was His eternal love and care of me. Christmas took on a whole new meaning for me when Christ's love entered my heart, and the only word to describe it is eternal peace. I am praying that all who read this post will feel the joy and peace of Christ tonight. For those who do not have peace tonight it is a whisper away, even in a heart that is aching.  Just tell Christ to come in and give you his heart of peace. Simple. That is the gift. Open it, receive it. It is yours. I am praying that tonight will bring a change for you and the peace that passes understanding will dwell in your heart forever.Blessings to all, and to all a good night.

1 comment:

Tolegranny said...

Your home is beautiful. So inviting and sparkly for the Christmas season.

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