Saturday, January 14, 2012

BOD= book of days..=FUN

tag page..decided to make the whole page a giant tag..release the ribbon and the tag opens..

when the tag is released a feather falls loose...this is the year joy will fall on our house..God is good!

you may recognize her from a previous post ,,she is a little creation of mine that sold...this year I will trust my instincts. and Be my authentic self.

thu and fri....I think of the end of the work week as golden days...almost the weekend can feel the sense of relief...

Challenge was to do a mosaic page so I did a small one, the faces remind me of all the wonderful people I take care of that have Alzheimer's disease..I like to think of them in their younger days. They bless my life daily. 


Effy said...


*Geez...that sound wrong, but you know what I mean. :D*

Pattie said...

WOW lovely book !really lovely x

Ivy said...

LOVE your pages!! xo

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...