Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New year new journal....

A new year and I am going to create as much as I can-I PLAN on having weekly posts as well as a Monday "Inspiration". The word that has been on my heart from the Lord for this year is acceptance....so I will persue this in my journal as well as my life. AND of course I am sure this word will teach me alot...last years word was Love and It was a year filled with new ways of looking at love and new chances and choices to Love. Of course I believe that Acceptance is a huge part of the love I want to give and get-uncondtional. Gods Agape love from above!


Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what you create this year, Cathee! I'm believing for many things in 2013, mainly a turnaround in my health. My phrase for the year is: "Snowglobe Moments"....those times when you are completely in the present, and the beauty of the presence is magical and glittery.

Mescrap said...

Such a lovely page for 2013.
Wishing all the best year ever.

Connie B. said...

I like your word for the year. Your art is quite beautiful. Very inspiring blog. Thanks.

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