Sunday, June 20, 2010

THE WINNER IS.............

Congratulations to Elizabeth over at "bluebeards and elizabeth's" blog

for winning my little crown creation, a perfect ending of a wonderful weekend of blog party fun! Thanks to all who came for a visit, come back often for more creative fun. A special thank you to all who left such nice comments...BLESSINGS to all!


VS said...

Hi Friend,
So glad to have found your lovely blog! I look forward to following all of life's adventure's with you.

~*~Patty S said...

Congratulations to Elizabeth, it couldn't go to a nicer person/blogger!

JoAnne said...

Hi Cathee,
So nice to meet another sorority sister! I'm so happy you stopped by and left a comment. Hope you'll stop back, grab my button, become a follower and enter my giveaway.
I'm a follower of your beautiful blog now.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm delighted to have won. This is such an honor because I really love this crown and your art. I'm off to send you my address.

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...