Sunday, May 20, 2012

new face in journal.

Some days I sit down and the face just appears, other days it is hard work creating. I have found out if I work on the layering one day and then pencil in my face it is a more sucessful adventure in art. As I have always heard it is the process not the art that makes an artist feel the spiritual side of creating and I am beginning to believe that. Letting it flow works better than planning it out!


Unknown said...

She's so beautiful Cathee. Another inspiring journal page. I sure wish you lived closer and we could spend a day working on journal pages!

Chris said...

Stunning Cathee as are all your other faces... isn't this fun :-)
Chris x

Unknown said...

I love the backgrounds and colors of your faces. I feel stuck on both color and backgrounds. They always come out like mud, so for now I am avoiding them for the most part. Maybe I'll try what you do. Just get the background down one day and worry about the face later.

Carol said...

Love the colors you used ! Very beautiful!

Ayala Art said...

Beautiful work! Yes sometimes it comes easy and other times it's a struggle, all part of learning.
Thanks for participating in the challenge!

aino harjula said...

You have great touch!

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

This looks like the home I grew up induring my younger years. It was in upstate NY and I loved the snow.  This in honor of the snow day we h...