Sunday, September 16, 2012


Just a tiny post about where I am this week. THIS IS A BIG WEEK for me professionally. Every year I host an art fest that raises money for the Alzheimer day care I work for. You see we are non profit and this is one of our big events. Last year we raised 7,000 this year I want to raise over 9..This is when I hyperventilate because we changed the whole show this year. It is a catered and ticketed event and guess what is sold out. Yup 200 guests will arrive for the evening Thursday at 6 and I will be prepared. My committee is awesome and I have such amazing support from the whole art community. Artists donate their work and we silent auction it off...all of the proceeds go to our non profit day care. ALSO my amazing particpants in the day care work on art all year and it is going to be for sale ,it has been beautifully framed by local galleries.
Hilton Head and Bluffton SC ... communities are the most giving ever! Well I will report at the end of the week how things went ..oh wait no I may not.... you see I end the week with a girlfriend weekend on another coastal Island and no telling when I will get back to my post. I do know I will be with women that no matter how my week goes will nurture me and affirm me. I hope you have those kind of women friends in your life too.PRAYING we all have a great week...Cathee


Unknown said...

You must be so excited! That's awesome. Hope you have a fun weekend with friends too.

Angela Reeves said...

Best of luck on your art event, I hope it goes wonderfully!! How great that you'll get to have a fun weekend after all that pressure! :-)

Unknown said...

What a great way to raise money! Good luck at your event -- it's already sold out so it should be gravy from here! Congrats!!

Unknown said...

Wow ... best of luck and have fun with your friend after it's all said and done :)

Journal Page for Winter- Dream house

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