Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Jet, Syd, papa Tone (hubby) and, Gran cakee (Me)

Jet and Dee---aka Baby mama to our grands and BFF to us both.
octoberfest birthday is sadly ending but!! I did get my first evening fire of the season,had great meals all over town, got spoiled rotten by my sweet hubby( and he went shopping with me!), had teaparties w sydney reese and go to see jets favorite airshow,lots of snuggles and time with Dee to just yak...all in all GREAT OCTOBER FEST BIRTHDAY for me-thanks family and friends for all the calls and cards and love...love you all ....now back to work at my really amazing job ..BLESSED that is my life right now

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sweet. Thank you for sharing with us. I hope your birthday was out of this world happy.
Love to you,

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