Thursday, December 31, 2020

The year in my art world

This year has seen a lot of princess warriors with words of wisdom

Some angels small and mighty. Bringing tidings of joy and peace to a chaotic world
Then appeared more whimsical girls. Gifts of gold and amber
Strong bold woman  ready to take on the world

Keeping a watch on all Gods creatures 

Taking back the heart of the world. Calming, accepting ,peaceful

Truth speaks loudly but
It has to be spoken from the heart

Truth must be spoken in peace and love from a heart that will not harm. Peace from God which passes understanding.
Small joys and blessings abound.

 we must take time to look for the small joys in the day. Even when not right in front of your face

Always ready to be there when you need it

Nature has so much to give. Beauty all around tiny creatures kept safe by care and love.

as 2020 comes to an end tonight  I begin where I started. With a Loving God, Savior and Holy spirit
 that guides me. Even when I take wrong turns or my own ways. Peace to all and may the Joy of God dwell in your heart forever. It does mine❤

Peace be with you. The joy of Christ dwell in your heart. Welcome 2021

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