Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021- new year ahead


The Bluebird is the universally acknowledged sign of happiness, joy, prosperity, as well as good health and the arrival of spring. The beautiful blue of its plumage is connected with the sky, as well as with eternal happiness. 

With a new year well on its way it is time to make some decisions for my new journal. I am going to use an altered old 2019 calendar desk appt book. So far I have started and stopped and ripped it out three times. I think I feel this year needs a good first page to launch in the right direction. AS IF that will do anything! So I think I will start with the phrase "just be "  My word for this year is joy and my animal for this year seems to be the blue bird- Each time I see one it brings me joy. I intend to spend more time in nature this year and just be. In my spiritual life I am reading "beloved mess" by Kimm Crandall  - my challenge is to accept that Gods Grace in Christ covers all of my flaws and there is nothing that will separate me from his love. 

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